Welcome to the Online Intake Portal for USA Homeownership Foundation!

We are a nonprofit HUD Approved Housing Counseling agency that helps Veterans, Active Military and patriots with their housing, credit and homebuying needs. To get started watch this short video that explains how to set up your account and send in your intake for faster service.

Check out this quick video for instructions to complete your intake form. Thanks!

To get started follow these 4 easy steps:

Create your account, and verify your email

Complete the online intake form with your personal information.

You can save and come back to your intake at any time to update information.

Complete third-party Authorization

if requesting mortgage help.

Complete credit authorization

if requesting credit or homebuying counseling.

The intake form will be submitted to USA Homeownership and a Counselor will reach out to you within 24-48 hours. All forms must be completed before a counseling session can be scheduled. Thank you!